I Am Taking A Stand

conscious living Jul 25, 2023

I feel very strongly about this.

We have the capacity to heal ourselves. I see it time and time again in the work I do. Oftentimes people come to me for help with their health issues after having tried many different treatments, medications and even surgery. They are at their wits end.

Doctors have not been able to help them. Specialists have not been able to get them results. No one has been able to solve their problem.

They decide to try Yoga and with consistent practice they get better. It is amazing to watch.

I understand people have doubts. Many people are skeptical about alternative ways to health and wellness. That's fair. We have been conditioned to think the answers are found in experts; in people who wear a white coat.

We are raised in ways that disconnect us from our body and from our intuition.

We have lost knowledge about which plants have healing properties. We have lost touch with foods that heal. If we get sick we book an appointment with our family doctor, or we end...

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Why My Clients Get Results

conscious living Jun 27, 2023

I don’t teach drop in classes.

In order to get the benefits from a Yoga practice CONSISTENCY is key. My clients understand they need to commit. I teach in a variety of different ways, but all of them encourage committed, consistent practice.

I tell my clients that fifteen minutes of practice everyday is better than doing two hours, once every two weeks.

I often ask: “Do you brush your teeth everyday?”.

This is how I want my students to see their Yoga practice. It is something we do daily.

I say it straight. The best time to do a practice is right when you wake up. It is evident in my own life that if I don’t do my practice before the day gets started, it is difficult to make it happen.

I encourage my clients to get up a bit earlier, if necessary, in order to be able to fit the practice in before the day gets started.

Once my clients have got a mindful, movement practice well established, I also share breath awareness practices, conscious relaxation...

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A Vision for Our Future

conscious living Jun 11, 2023

Our thoughts are powerful!

We are creators.

Our thoughts and words and deeds ripple out into the world and manifest into reality.

We are bombarded with all kinds of information these days. At every turn we hear doom and gloom around our planet, the climate and so many other terrible bits of news. It is easy to fall into the trap of seeing our future as hopeless. We have been spending so much time listening to the news and social media.

I want to offer a vision of LIGHT and GROWTH and EXPANSION.

Despite us living in a time of great change, I believe there is much to be hopeful for.

Old systems are falling. Old ways no longer making any sense.

We don’t need to criticize how we got here. There is no use in blame or shame. We are here. We are living in a time where the path forward seems no longer clear.

We have muddled our focus. Values have become blurred. We no longer have a clear sense of what matters or where we are headed.

Let’s create a new vision TOGETHER....

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Are You a Good Fit for My Deep Dive 12 Week Program for Health and Wellness?

conscious living Jun 05, 2023

Almost everyone has a desire for better health and a greater sense of wellness in either mind or body, or both.

Almost everyone I meet has some health challenge.

I love helping people relieve pain and re-discover a sense of overall wellbeing. There are simple steps anyone can take to improve their state of being. However, it never fails to surprise me, as simple as these steps are, not everyone is ready or willing to take them.

I am not making a judgment on people who are not ready. Sometimes we get caught in destructive patterns and can’t seem to claw our way out. I understand people fall into habits or situations that make it difficult to create the change they want to see.

But I have to be honest, I can’t help these people. As much as I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and solve everyone’s problems for them, the work that I do requires each individual to take responsibility for themselves.

That is where the magic is!

If you are not at the point where...

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Taking Radical Responsibility - Small Steps to Better Health

conscious living May 10, 2023

We are experts at making excuses.  We can find a gagillion reasons why we aren't taking better care of ourselves.

Why is it so difficult to stick to our health goals?

It's May, have you kept up with your goals for the New Year?

How many times have you made a promise to yourself you will eat better or exercise more?

We have all done it. Everyone gets off track now and again and sometimes we get so entrenched in our bad habits it feels impossible to make change.

I have the answer:  take radical responsibility. Stop making excuses and decide to take daily steps towards your goals. Start today.

In this Blog I will give you simple action steps you can take RIGHT NOW if you are serious about improving your health in mind or body or even better, BOTH.

The first step is pick one of these ideas below and do it immediately after reading this Blog. The key to making change is capitalizing on the HERE and NOW.

I love Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule. She says if you wait longer than five...

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Finding the Courage to Align with Your True Purpose

conscious living Apr 30, 2023

Since joining Toastmasters I have been asking myself, what is it I want to say?

Why do I feel this call to get up in front of people and speak?

What am I supposed to do with all the self doubt, second guessing and getting in my own way?

Sound familiar?
Don’t we all do this!?

We have a yearning from within, and then we find reasons why our ideas and dreams will be impossible and we give up. We try to forget it.

But then, a little time goes by, and again: this yearning.
This longing to live more fully. To live an inspired life.

There is a part of us, again and again, that speaks up and says… 'Hey, who are you? What are you doing? Are you happy?'

Not that happiness is a state you can live in all the time. There are ups and downs no matter what we are doing with our lives. But I am talking being honest with ourselves and aligning with what our heart desires.

How do we choose to spend our time? How do we make time for ourselves? How do we connect with ourselves? How do we...

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How Listening to our Heart Leads us Exactly Where We Need to Go

conscious living Apr 25, 2023

This Blog Post has been adapted from an 'ice breaker' speech I made at a Toastmasters.

Why are we here? Who are we?
Big questions, right?!

Even though this is meant to be an ‘ice breaker’, a way for me to tell you a bit more about myself and why I am here, in writing this speech, I found these big questions to be relevant.

To be honest I have always found these deep questions at the forefront of my mind. From a young age I was interested in things like peace, unity and harmony.

I grew up in a white, middle class suburb just outside of Edmonton and both my parents were educators. They had pretty specific goals and expectations for me.

This wasn't a bad thing. They helped me build important skills and gave me the support I needed to ‘succeed’ at school and in many other ways our society likes to define as success.

I am grateful for all they have given me.

But underlying my obedience and my achievements was this deep desire to shake things up; to focus elsewhere.


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The Fear Response and What you Need to Know to Face It

conscious living Apr 19, 2023

I believe we are being asked to evolve. It is time to wake up and remember we are One.

Who isn't dreaming of a world beyond the wars, the discrimination and the disparity?

If we look at other species in the animal world we see the same patterns of violence.

Killing for survival. Fighting over territory. Fear, hiding and running away.

And yet as humans we have evolved to be able to observe and witness our own reactions and behaviour. We have the capacity and the dexterity to create all kinds of new inventions in the material plane.

We have developed technology and altered our own reality at a rapid pace. We are changing our world drastically with our highly evolved creative side.

And we are still trapped in that competitive instinct for survival.

Our reptilian brains taking over almost ALL the time. This part of our brain evolved over millions of years to react to a threat.

It perceives ANYTHING new or foreign as dangerous. Whenever we don’t know what the outcome will be we...

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The Pay Off for Facing Your Fears

conscious living Apr 04, 2023

Coming back to Mexico where we used to live and surf almost everyday has been such a trip. We have been re-visiting many places and activities from our past and I have come back to them with new perspective. We had been away for three years.

Three years since I jumped on a surf board. I was dying to get back on a wave.

I knew it was going to be a challenge to get back out there. My surf muscles were out of condition. I was going to have to re-learn how to listen to the rhythm of the sea. I was going to have to face my fear of getting past the break when the waves crash hard.

There was a piece of me that was totally terrified of getting into the strong waves of the Southern Pacific Ocean. It was low tide and we were at a surf point that has lots of rocks and sea urchins. The waves were not huge, but still packing a punch as they crashed on the rocks and there was no getting to the waves without going through that part of the journey.

I gathered my nerve, asked my hubby if I could...

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Can Choosing your Words Change your Life?

conscious living Feb 26, 2023

Words are powerful and we often let them fly off our our tongues without giving much thought to how they will create an impact. We babble off any old thing that comes to mind. Our thoughts jump from one thing to the next and many times lead us astray.

Until we discover how to observe our inner world, we don’t see we have choice and we miss the opportunity to choose our thoughts and words carefully.

Yoga showed me I could pay attention to my own thoughts as a witness. With the practice of mindful movement and breath awareness, I began to see my own thought patterns. My Yoga practice made me aware of what was going on inside.

When we become aware of our thoughts, we have choice. When we are aware, we can put the brakes on those automatic patterns and reactions. We gain the ability to shift our thoughts and decide what we want to say to ourselves and to others.

This is a powerful.

How many times have you said something you regret? How many times have you caught yourself saying...

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