Finding the Courage to Align with Your True Purpose

conscious living Apr 30, 2023

Since joining Toastmasters I have been asking myself, what is it I want to say?

Why do I feel this call to get up in front of people and speak?

What am I supposed to do with all the self doubt, second guessing and getting in my own way?

Sound familiar?
Don’t we all do this!?

We have a yearning from within, and then we find reasons why our ideas and dreams will be impossible and we give up. We try to forget it.

But then, a little time goes by, and again: this yearning.
This longing to live more fully. To live an inspired life.

There is a part of us, again and again, that speaks up and says… 'Hey, who are you? What are you doing? Are you happy?'

Not that happiness is a state you can live in all the time. There are ups and downs no matter what we are doing with our lives. But I am talking being honest with ourselves and aligning with what our heart desires.

How do we choose to spend our time? How do we make time for ourselves? How do we connect with ourselves? How do we nurture our connection to Spirit?

This requires having deeper conversation with yourself. Following your true purpose implies there is something greater; something guiding us. What is this part of us?

Believing in something you can’t see, or quantify takes courage. I would like to use the word faith, but it has become associated with religion and that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about trusting a part of you that knows.

What do we want to call this? Our higher Self? Spirit? Life force? The All? That which connects us to Creator?

I don’t care what words you use to describe what this is, but it is the part of us that is beyond the mind and body. It is the part of us that can observe the mind and the body. It is our inner voice and it speaks to us ALL the time.

If you start to listen, it will guide you. These messages may not make any sense. They will often be counter to what your mind will tell you to do. The mind will resist these outlandish yearnings because it wants to be the boss. The ego stands up and tries to defend the person you 'think' you are.

But this deeper part just 'knows'. And if you learn to listen to this part of you, it will provide you with all the answers you need.

So how to listen? That’s the thing. Our lives don’t naturally allow for these pauses anymore. We don't often have quiet time. For many of us we don't spend time in nature.

We must make room for these moments where we can tune in. Make time to consciously pull away from all the noise and listen in. Sometimes I find a pen and paper useful for jotting down what the deepest part of me wants me me to know.

Start to make it a part of your day to stop and listen. Watch your breath. Notice your body. The sensations.

At first this might feel impossible. The mind takes over: “Get up!” Go do something.”

Listening to this more subtle, wise part of you takes practice and courage.

The practice of Yoga and meditation has taught me a lot about tuning in. It has also helped me to go for daily walks in nature. I also write 3 pages stream of consciousness every morning.

These are all ways to get in touch with this deeper part of you.

It’s scary to do. The ego self, the reptilian brain part of us, does not like to feel threatened. The unknown triggers our fear response.

You can learn to observe the reaction and move through it. This will lead you past this limiting loop, and into an evolved state where you are being lead by Spirit instead of being trapped in fear.

Once you are connected into Source, life is rich and full and beautiful. It is why we are all here. To realize our true nature. That we are all One. We are limitless.

It is time to listen to that call. Rise to the occasion. You know you are here to do something amazing. Something your heart yearns to do.

I am rooting for you. I have learned to trust this part of me and it feels great. I am inviting you to join me.

Need some guidance? Reach out!

[email protected]

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