Words are powerful and we often let them fly off our our tongues without giving much thought to how they will create an impact. We babble off any old thing that comes to mind. Our thoughts jump from one thing to the next and many times lead us astray.
Until we discover how to observe our inner world, we don’t see we have choice and we miss the opportunity to choose our thoughts and words carefully.
Yoga showed me I could pay attention to my own thoughts as a witness. With the practice of mindful movement and breath awareness, I began to see my own thought patterns. My Yoga practice made me aware of what was going on inside.
When we become aware of our thoughts, we have choice. When we are aware, we can put the brakes on those automatic patterns and reactions. We gain the ability to shift our thoughts and decide what we want to say to ourselves and to others.
This is a powerful.
How many times have you said something you regret? How many times have you caught yourself saying something negative to yourself or to others?
Did you know there is a way to shift your thinking?
It starts with awareness.
Yoga practice gives us time to pay attention to ourselves.
Rarely do we find opportunities to look inside. It is not common practice to notice or pay attention to our inner workings. This is the gift of Yoga and other mindfulness practices. We become aware of the more subtle movements going on inside of us.
This awareness opens the door to being conscious of thoughts and makes us capable of speaking conscious words and taking conscious action. Becoming more self aware may be the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you.
The process of becoming aware isn’t a quick flip of a switch. We develop awareness over time and with practice.
We have patterns of talking negatively to ourselves. We have limiting belief patterns. We are critical of ourselves and others. At first we have to reckon with the truth of how tough we are on ourselves, and how much hatred and aggression we have towards others.
It can be a tough pill to swallow when we see these patterns. But if we keep on, we also get to see, we can shift these habits. With practice we see the possibility of re-writing these patterns.
It is possible to practice writing and speaking positive affirmations. As we play with words in a more positive way we start to say different things to ourselves and we are more careful with the way we speak to others.
At first this choosing feels foreign, even hokey. But after awhile we see the power of it. We no longer say mean things to ourselves. We spare our loved ones cruel words. We no longer have to feel the regret of hurting others. We see we are empowered by our new and positive thoughts. We are lifted up by our positive thinking.
We see we can make change in our lives through changing our thoughts.
This is not an over night affair. These practices do take time, and practice!
Yoga requires consistent practice; daily action. I suggest a minimum of fifteen minutes of practice each day.
Everyone I know who develops a mindfulness practice experiences benefit in both mind and body.
You can try it for yourself if you want!
Book a free 30 minute session with me and I will coach you how to get started.
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