I believe we are being asked to evolve. It is time to wake up and remember we are One.
Who isn't dreaming of a world beyond the wars, the discrimination and the disparity?
If we look at other species in the animal world we see the same patterns of violence.
Killing for survival. Fighting over territory. Fear, hiding and running away.
And yet as humans we have evolved to be able to observe and witness our own reactions and behaviour. We have the capacity and the dexterity to create all kinds of new inventions in the material plane.
We have developed technology and altered our own reality at a rapid pace. We are changing our world drastically with our highly evolved creative side.
And we are still trapped in that competitive instinct for survival.
Our reptilian brains taking over almost ALL the time. This part of our brain evolved over millions of years to react to a threat.
It perceives ANYTHING new or foreign as dangerous. Whenever we don’t know what the outcome will be we automatically react in a state of fight or flight. Our reptilian brain trying to protect us from the unknown.
And yet we have this other part of us that can see this play out. More than half the time what is happening is only a perceived threat and the automatic reaction is stopping us from exploring a potential and new experience.
We no longer live in a world where we are at risk of being attacked by a lion, but a part of our brain is on high alert and spending precious time and energy on fight and flight.
By evolutionary process we are designed to play it safe, but every now and again we find the courage to take a risk.
Can you think of a time you were terrified, but took a step anyways? Remember a time when you were so nervous you had butterflies in your stomach. What happens when you take the action despite feeling that fear?
You get up to bat. You swing. You might even miss.
But isn’t that when you grow? Every time I have stepped out of my comfort zone it has been uncomfortable. And yet every time I took a risk and faced my own fears, it is those moments that have taught me the most.
Our evolution is born out of us having the courage to face what scares us most.
We are here to take risks and it’s terrifying.
It feels like we are on the edge of a HUGE evolutionary shift. Maybe we can take a leap out of this fear loop.
Look fear in the face. Develop our creativity instead of repeating this fight and flight response.
We are being asked to grow. To let go of the old. To step out of what we know and into something new and exciting. We might feel uncomfortable as we stand in our power and face the truth. Let these old patterns die. These old systems are failing.
It is time. I am certain that it is time. Let’s rise to the challenge. Let's help one another. Together we can face this enormous fear.
We are being asked:
To be with what we are feeling instead of running from it.
To witness instead of react.
To open instead of retract.
To unify instead of divide.
To recognize that autonomic reactions of shutting down, hiding, or fighting, instead we can choose to face what we are feeling.
There is no real threat to our survival other than being stuck in our reptilian brains. It is time to evolve. To grow that part of our brain that is creative, curious and compassionate.
It is up to us to shift.
Are you hearing the call?
Come on, let’s go! Let’s face our fears together and bring that shift that we can all feel is coming. Play your part. We need you!
I host an online community that is all about this healing work and we would love for you to join us. We meet every week to practice being in our bodies and being with breath. We practice being here now and get familiar with feeling.
Engaging in simple daily practices can help us shift these habit patterns of the mind. It is my life’s mission to share these teachings that give us the gift of presence where we start to have choice instead of these automatic reactions that keep us tied to that fight and flight response.
We can get out of this loop!
Let me help you get started ~ you’re gonna love the feeling of liberation.
Reach out: [email protected]
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