One of my students made a comment last week that really stood out for me.
She asked me: ‘How do I manage to do all the things I do, and STILL find time for myself?’
I thought sharing my tricks might help others. I know a lot of people who struggle to fit everything in, including Self Care and especially the things that bring them Joy.
I will admit, it has taken me a long while to figure this stuff out. I used to put myself last EVERY time and feel like I could NEVER fit in all the things I had to do in the day.
There are four main ways I have enough time to do everything I want, including rest and having fun!
The first idea might sound impossible at first but I can reassure you it is. I don’t watch TV.
Like at all.
Okay, I might watch a comedy special if my husband asks me to, but that is usually on his computer, and I literally don’t know how to use/work my TV in the family room.
I do let some of my time slip...
I love my daily practice. It keeps me sane. Gives me a chance to clear my blocks. Reminds me how important breath is. It allows me first thing in the morning to check in with myself. I have NEVER regretted bringing myself to my mat and doing some Yoga.
So why do so many people struggle to develop a consistent practice? I have been teaching Yoga for over 20 years and it is one of the most common challenges I see people run into.
When we come to our mat, we get to meet ourselves in very real way. We get a glimpse of what is happening inside. We are asked to muster the courage and look at ourselves with honesty. And when we get in touch with the truth of what is going on, it can feel challenging stay with it; to be with it.
That is the tough part. Facing the truth of what we feel. And not knowing what to do with it. Maybe this is why we hesitate to go to our mats. To be on the mat is to really meet ourselves.
We don’t have much practice with going inside. Nobody taught us how to...
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