I love my daily practice. It keeps me sane. Gives me a chance to clear my blocks. Reminds me how important breath is. It allows me first thing in the morning to check in with myself. I have NEVER regretted bringing myself to my mat and doing some Yoga.
So why do so many people struggle to develop a consistent practice? I have been teaching Yoga for over 20 years and it is one of the most common challenges I see people run into.
When we come to our mat, we get to meet ourselves in very real way. We get a glimpse of what is happening inside. We are asked to muster the courage and look at ourselves with honesty. And when we get in touch with the truth of what is going on, it can feel challenging stay with it; to be with it.
That is the tough part. Facing the truth of what we feel. And not knowing what to do with it. Maybe this is why we hesitate to go to our mats. To be on the mat is to really meet ourselves.
We don’t have much practice with going inside. Nobody taught us how to face the reality of being with ourselves. It isn’t easy to feel the truth of who we are and all that we have accumulated. We have baggage. Pain. Trauma. Memories. We have protective mechanisms. We have coping strategies that developed in childhood, or may even go back generations.
We have learned to escape from the feeling of fear, or sadness, or anger or whatever else feels uncomfortable and threatening. We have learned to cover up what we feel. Often in childhood we were not allowed to express the truth of our feelings. It wasn’t appropriate, or appreciated, or acceptable in our family situations.
So now, as adults, when we ask ourselves to get in touch with the truth of what we are feeling, it is buried under these patterns of smoothing everything over. We have got real good at pretending these tough feelings or uncomfortable emotions aren’t there. We have become incredibly good at escaping. Denial.
When we come to our mat we face these things. And sometimes when we are alone it can feel overwhelming. Frightening. Disorienting. Unsafe. So we avoid going there.
It has been over 20 years of steady practice for me. I have gone through some challenging times. Having children threw me off my regular routine. But I always find a way to get back to it because my body and mind know how critical my practice is to my well being.
I can tell you definitively, consistent practice brings with it innumerable benefits. It keeps us grounded; steady. It allows us the time and space to peel off the accumulated tension. It gives us a chance to let go of what is not serving us. It takes some of the weight off of our shoulders.
Coming to the mat lets allows us to acknowledge where we have gone out of balance. It gives us an opportunity bring ourselves back into harmony.
If building a Yoga practice appeals to you, finding guidance and support in the beginning is helpful. I have had the pleasure of devoting a large part of my adult life to sharing Yoga with others and I have seen many people break through the challenge of building a discipline.
It is possible. I have seen it with my own eyes with my students and experienced it in my own life.
I love sharing what has helped me on the Way. Yoga brings countless health benefits for mind, body and soul. Don't miss out. Don't let the challenge of developing a practice stop you.
If you are interested in taking care of your own health and wellness, and know that Yoga could be the answer, reach out. I love helping people build a practice.
I have many online offerings, courses and a community, to support you as you build the momentum. YOU are worth it and you deserve it.
Write me for more info:
[email protected]
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