Often our body sends us messages. Our toe hurts. Or our back aches. Or our guts are in knots.
Nobody wants to feel pain, but these are important messages from our body. They tell us something is awry.
Oftentimes when these messages start they are more like whispers, but if we refuse to pay attention they turn into shouts.
I often find myself reminding my clients to listen to their body; to pay attention to these nudges before they become serious, or chronic.
I strongly believe if we pay attention to these messages we can alleviate the dis-ease. Usually these problems arise because we have been causing some kind of block in this area. Through our posture, or our movement, or even our emotional patterns, or thought patterns we cause mis-alignment.
The body wants unity, harmony and wholeness. It functions best when we are allowing connection and relationship.
If your body is starting to speak to you in a certain area it is time to take a look. What is happening for you around...
Due to the nature of my work, I often hear from people who are in pain. Often these people have tried surgery or medications without relief. Sometimes these things they have tried even create more problems. Pain patterns can get established and become debilitating with one issue stacking on top of the next.
At times it might feel like pain is inescapable.
Many people with chronic pain believe they will have to live with it forever. I meet many people who have literally tried EVERYTHING. Often they are at the end of their rope and have lost hope.
It is very rewarding to watch people get relief of pain through this approach to Yoga. There are many traditional healing practices that touch places modern medical science does not. Through the work I do, I have been witness to incredible experiences where people get free from the health issues they were suffering with for years, and sometimes decades.
One common benefit people get with this work is relief from back pain. I have...
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