Pain and How to Get Relief

heal yourself Aug 09, 2023

Often our body sends us messages. Our toe hurts. Or our back aches. Or our guts are in knots.

Nobody wants to feel pain, but these are important messages from our body. They tell us something is awry. 

Oftentimes when these messages start they are more like whispers, but if we refuse to pay attention they turn into shouts.

I often find myself reminding my clients to listen to their body; to pay attention to these nudges before they become serious, or chronic.

I strongly believe if we pay attention to these messages we can alleviate the dis-ease. Usually these problems arise because we have been causing some kind of block in this area. Through our posture, or our movement, or even our emotional patterns, or thought patterns we cause mis-alignment.

The body wants unity, harmony and wholeness. It functions best when we are allowing connection and relationship.

If your body is starting to speak to you in a certain area it is time to take a look. What is happening for you around this part of you? What is above it, or below it? What is it in relationship to?

We all have an intuitive sense whether we recognize it or not. I think asking ourselves FIRST, before we turn to an expert, is powerful.

Pausing to consider in a quiet moment, what is this pain or problem in relation to. Oftentimes we know. We get a sense of the root cause.

I find that most conditions can be alleviated with some attention. Mostly our bodies just want us to listen. Oftentimes what has caused the problem is neglect, or disconnection; sometimes overuse.

This simple act of tuning into the messages from the body is profound and powerful.

Perhaps it sounds too simple, but I watch people heal themselves time and time again when they tune into these messages.

The other day one of my clients guts where in turmoil. We were doing a private session on Zoom and I suggested he lay his hands on his belly. I guided him to touch his tummy massaging it in circles, gently, helping the natural flow. He messaged me later that after our session he felt much better.

It is so simple! I see it time and time again.

We think our pain problems are so complicated. But in reality it is usually our body just wanting our attention. It is our body showing us where we have been neglecting it.

Our natural state is health. Our body knows what harmony is. Relieving pain often can be accomplished by listening to the body.

Oftentimes laying our own hands on ourselves brings relief. Sometimes it is making a shift in our posture, or alignment. Other times it might be better balance in our movements, or habits - how we walk, or how we bend over, or lift. Sometimes what we need is rest.

I am consistently amazed at how my clients get relief from paying attention to their bodies and doing their own healing work.

I see it in my own body too. I have been able to alleviate all my own aches and pains since finding Yoga. It isn’t stretching that gives these results. It is spending time with the body. Moving mindfully. Being aware of breath, tension, imbalances and letting go of what is not serving me.

These Ancient Teachings are powerful. They work. They are still around thousands of years later because they bring benefit to all who practice.

If you are looking for relief from pain reach out! I love sharing these practices.
[email protected]


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