Karma Yoga

the gift of giving Dec 06, 2022

Often when we talk about Yoga, we mean ‘doing' postures. However, Yoga is a vast science with many branches. You may or may not have heard of Karma Yoga before. One shining example of a Karma Yogi is Mahatma Ghandi. He worked selflessly for the wellbeing of the people of India.

Practicing Karma Yoga means doing your duty without attachment. Karma Yoga means we do our best. We give our gifts. We think of others. We offer up our service as devotion to something greater than ourselves.


Perhaps Karma Yoga can be thought of like doing a good deed but it is deeper than that.

This practice is based in understanding who you truly are. 

Not everyone is a leader or activist.

The first step in selfless service is KNOWING yourself.

Who are you?
What are your gifts?
What are you called to do?
Where do you like to put your energy?

This is your DHARMA.  Dharma is your personal mission. Knowing your purpose is part of the process.

Once you have a sense...

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