
I have made a promise to myself to write a blog post each week. I write ALL the time.

Mostly for me.

To put myself out there is another story. This promise I made to myself is challenging me. Can I continue to come to the keyboard and get something out, down?

Type the words. Even if they aren’t great. Profound. Or interesting. But challenge myself to keep up the discipline of writing. I have this dream to write a book. More than one. I have discovered that unless I write, I won’t write.

So today when I was procrastinating about getting this blog post done, it came to me. This is similar to ‘tapas’ in Yogic traditions.  The idea that you hold yourself to a goal with burning enthusiasm. Discipline.

It’s tough to keep showing up. But it is possible.

I can see the parallels between asana practice and a writing practice. I think applying what I have learned about developing a discipline with Yoga to my writing might help me, and maybe sharing these...

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