I have made a promise to myself to write a blog post each week. I write ALL the time.
Mostly for me.
To put myself out there is another story. This promise I made to myself is challenging me. Can I continue to come to the keyboard and get something out, down?
Type the words. Even if they aren’t great. Profound. Or interesting. But challenge myself to keep up the discipline of writing. I have this dream to write a book. More than one. I have discovered that unless I write, I won’t write.
So today when I was procrastinating about getting this blog post done, it came to me. This is similar to ‘tapas’ in Yogic traditions. The idea that you hold yourself to a goal with burning enthusiasm. Discipline.
It’s tough to keep showing up. But it is possible.
I can see the parallels between asana practice and a writing practice. I think applying what I have learned about developing a discipline with Yoga to my writing might help me, and maybe sharing these thoughts will help you on your journey too.
1- First thing in the morning lends itself to these practices. It is not that we cannot do Yoga, or write later in the day, but I believe once the day gets going we find more and more excuses why we cannot do the ‘thing’. Waking up 20 minutes earlier to devote time to something you know will benefit you just makes sense.
2- Having a ritual to begin practice helps. Soft lighting. Rolling out the mat. Saluting my alter. These conditions do not necessarily have to be met for me to get to my practice, but they help invite me to it. I think I could do something similar with writing. Open the journal, or the word document. Have a cup of coffee, or tea or water to enjoy. Take a moment to look outside and let the muses send me their ideas.
3- Acknowledging everyday is different. Some days it is easy to get to the mat. Other days it might feel like we don’t have the energy. Or we doubt: “Is it worth it?” Or we feel uninspired; dull. We have to cut ourselves some slack. Expect variance in the quality of the practice from day to day. In the case of me writing, I suppose I also have to accept every blog post won’t be exceptional.
4- Let go of the outcome. In Yoga what matters most is just the discipline. That we spend time with ourselves everyday. That we touch base with our body and breath. That we give time to relax and let go of tension and stress. It isn’t about achieving postures. It is a chance to enjoy movement and release and connection. And this too feels similar. Letting my thoughts pour forth. Not worrying about if it becomes a beautiful book, or blog post, but just writing, following the flow of thoughts.
Maybe this is the final thought I will write down. I think it is about getting out of our own way. Trusting that impulse which moves us from inside us, to allow the energy to come forward. A mindfulness practice, or a writing practice, or becoming an award winning chef, or creating music, or starting a school… that there are these ideas that come forth, and we must express them; bring them to life.
We owe it to ourselves to hear the call from spirit. And so I write. To have a discipline is helpful.
Thank you for reading.
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