Back on Track

finding balance Feb 14, 2024

I am relentless about chasing my dreams.

These words chasing, or getting back on track, don’t quite express the sentiment I feel.
I deeply trust life is unfolding perfectly.

This dance between taking action, pursuing our goals, but also allowing Source to guide us and provide us with what we need.
I believe in both.

I notice on my own journey I will will have an impulse. I feel guided towards a new dream, project or idea. I will set intentions and goals. Then, I will get side-tracked.

I dance between letting go and honing in.

The subtly of this dance has us, now and again, off balance.

It is inevitable. We cannot hold a perfect centre.

What seems to play a role in keeping myself living in flow is catching when I am going off the rails.

Without judgment. Just acknowledgement and course correction.

The connection I have to my body gives me cues; clues. Through the body I can feel when I am off centre. Once I am aware, I can bring myself back into alignment.

Alignment to what?


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