Back on Track

finding balance Feb 14, 2024

I am relentless about chasing my dreams.

These words chasing, or getting back on track, don’t quite express the sentiment I feel.
I deeply trust life is unfolding perfectly.

This dance between taking action, pursuing our goals, but also allowing Source to guide us and provide us with what we need.
I believe in both.

I notice on my own journey I will will have an impulse. I feel guided towards a new dream, project or idea. I will set intentions and goals. Then, I will get side-tracked.

I dance between letting go and honing in.

The subtly of this dance has us, now and again, off balance.

It is inevitable. We cannot hold a perfect centre.

What seems to play a role in keeping myself living in flow is catching when I am going off the rails.

Without judgment. Just acknowledgement and course correction.

The connection I have to my body gives me cues; clues. Through the body I can feel when I am off centre. Once I am aware, I can bring myself back into alignment.

Alignment to what?

Alignment with my life’s purpose. Alignment between my gut, my heart, and my head. When these parts of us line up we feel in harmony.

That is why I love Yoga so much. Not the kind where people focus on stretching and sweating. But Yoga in the traditional sense. Union. The Path of Self Awareness. The practice of jumping on our mats and purposefully looking within.

Because of my practice I feel a deep connection to myself. Mind, body and Spirit. Yoga is a Path of Self Discovery. It gives us access to inner guidance. It makes room for us to hear the guidance from Source, from Self. It gives us a chance to quiet all the noise and just listen.

Half the time we lose our way it is because we are distracted. Listening to others. We get lost in the noise around us.

When is the last time you checked in with yourself? What are you dreaming of these days? Is it time to come back into focus? Are you in a phase of letting go, or taking action?  How are you doing this dance of life?

Like my musings, I also am recording a Podcast each week to discuss the theme of the Blog, and I am also recording a video each week to match that topic.

Check them out there:

Podcast      Video

And if you want my support on the healing journey, book a call with me. I would love to help you take a next first step.


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