One aspect of the journey of self awareness or self realization that shows up again and again is the importance of taking SMALL steps. This doesn’t mean we can never leap, or test our stride, it is that small, consistent daily action makes the most difference.
If you look at people who consistently reach their goals, you will see they commit to daily action. Taking steps ~ CONSISTENTLY. This does not imply there is no falling, or failing. Quite the opposite. There is much trial and error that goes along with this daily commitment of taking small steps.
Nobody does it perfectly. The structure is not rigid. There is movement in all directions. This does not have to be a linear journey. Taking steps is a part of learning how to dance with your dreams.
I see it in myself and in others. We hesitate. Freeze. We find ourselves disabled by inaction. Procrastination. Doubt. Over-thinking. We find reasons to wait. Put it off. The thing we know we have to do. And often this thing would only...
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