One aspect of the journey of self awareness or self realization that shows up again and again is the importance of taking SMALL steps. This doesn’t mean we can never leap, or test our stride, it is that small, consistent daily action makes the most difference.
If you look at people who consistently reach their goals, you will see they commit to daily action. Taking steps ~ CONSISTENTLY. This does not imply there is no falling, or failing. Quite the opposite. There is much trial and error that goes along with this daily commitment of taking small steps.
Nobody does it perfectly. The structure is not rigid. There is movement in all directions. This does not have to be a linear journey. Taking steps is a part of learning how to dance with your dreams.
I see it in myself and in others. We hesitate. Freeze. We find ourselves disabled by inaction. Procrastination. Doubt. Over-thinking. We find reasons to wait. Put it off. The thing we know we have to do. And often this thing would only take minutes, or maybe an hour at most. (Okay sometime a task could take all afternoon or morning.)
But come on!
These are smalls steps we can take.
Little things we must do each day to achieve our dreams and goals.
We have this one life to live. We hear this call from inside that says: LIVE!
We are waking up to the magic of life. Can't you feel that rumble inside that nudges you to follow what you came here to do? Are you feeling ready to align with your true purpose?
I believe the world needs us to share our gifts. We are tired of being cogs in the wheel. We know these systems are broke. We are exhausted to discuss it all, and often feel helpless.
I think we can break free of these old stories and systems that no longer serve us by listening to what is happening inside of us. We all feel it. This call for change.
We want deeper connection to each other and to our planet. These systems have us enslaved. Living out only a fraction of our potential.
We all have dreams. We are not here to just pay our bills.
We can explore our hearts desires. We can tap into spirit to drive change. We already have everything we need to live well. To be happy. Healthy.
Life is more simple than we have made it to be.
What do we really need?
Healthy, wholesome food. Sleep, rest and time for renewal. Shelter. Friends. Family.
Tradition to guide us. To find a rhythm with each other. Relations.
We are here to experience life. And we have made it so complicated. Accumulating stuff. Knowledge. Ideas. We are full to the brim and overflowing. We are whirling.
Maybe it is time to slow down. Get clear. What do we want? What is calling us? When do we experience the most joy and peace? What brings us to feel more light, more free?
Ask ourselves these questions.
What is the goal?
Once we have a clear sense of what we want we can start to take small steps. These small steps taken consistently lead us in the direction of our dreams. Whether you want to focus on health, career, family or otherwise, hone in on your vision.
Lay out action steps.
Break them down.
See the small steps that will take you forward.
Take one each day.
Keep taking steps each week.
Want to join me on a journey to pursue your dreams?
I am taking a group of people through 12 weeks of re-discovering yourself and bringing more Joy into life. The book we use as a guide is Julia Cameron’s The Artists’ Way.
You will need to find a copy to join, but the support and guidance is free.
We start September 18th, 2022.
Here is a link to join: Sign up Here
Or write me for more information.
I love helping people on their health and healing journey so they can live an active and fulfilling life.
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