Everyday Self Care

I find a lot of people miss making it on their own to-do-list. People these days seem to be so busy, they fail to take care of some of their own basic needs.  We live in a culture of business. Our days filled to the brim.
I admit, I have fallen into that trap. When we moved back from Mexico, I watched myself get pulled back in. I started trying to keep up with everyone. I found myself joining clubs and scheduling my time chock-a-block full. I was racing here and there, trying to be on time and ready for it all.
Phew! I don’t know what snapped me out of it. Maybe living in Mexico instilled in me something I could not forget. I had tasted what it was like to slow down and enjoy life.
After a few years of being back in Canada, and feeling exhausted and burnt out, I remembered: there is another way.
Part of my remembering had to do with a book called the Artists Way. Reading this book provided me the questions I needed to get back on track. To...
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Giving Ourselves Permission To Share our Gifts (Even though We Arenโ€™t Perfect)

believing in ourselves Jul 13, 2022
One of my students spoke up in class today and expressed how the teachings have been extra good lately. She said she has been ‘extra enjoying’ the classes and the Yoga. I so appreciated the feedback because recently I have really been letting my light shine.
It is scary. I tend to hold back. To moderate how much I am going to share. I can sometimes filter what I am going to offer because I am uncertain how it will be received. The fear of what people might think gets in the way of a totally authentic transmission of what I know to be true.
Well lately, I have been called to drop these self limiting habits.I have been watching them for years. But I have been holding onto them. These habits allow me to stay in my comfort zone.
Enough of that though!
I am hearing the call to share what I know and feel. Despite not knowing perfectly how to do this, or if it will really make a difference, I just feel the call and I am not going to hold back any...
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Letting our Light Shine

believing in ourselves Jun 29, 2022

It was solstice yesterday. Today is my birthday.

This year I decided my intention was to SHINE. Each year I pick a word that will represent where I put my focus. When my intuition pulled out the word SHINE, I was a little perplexed.
I resisted it.

We do. I think we all try to dim our light. We all have this tendency to play small.
Until we decide to get our of our own way.

I think collectively we are being called to use our voices. To allow ourselves to express what we are feeling. For so long we have let ourselves be overridden.  We have allowed ourselves to be shut down. Shut in.

It is time to shine.

We are being called to rise.

There is no longer any good reason to hide.
We have to come out of our comfort zones and explore our full potential.

We have to stop allowing authorities to install doubt and fear in our beautiful minds.
We have to clear some space for joy, play and fun.
We have to return to trust.
To truth.
And to life and living.

These financial systems, our education,...

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