It was solstice yesterday. Today is my birthday.
This year I decided my intention was to SHINE. Each year I pick a word that will represent where I put my focus. When my intuition pulled out the word SHINE, I was a little perplexed.
I resisted it.
We do. I think we all try to dim our light. We all have this tendency to play small.
Until we decide to get our of our own way.
I think collectively we are being called to use our voices. To allow ourselves to express what we are feeling. For so long we have let ourselves be overridden. We have allowed ourselves to be shut down. Shut in.
It is time to shine.
We are being called to rise.
There is no longer any good reason to hide.
We have to come out of our comfort zones and explore our full potential.
We have to stop allowing authorities to install doubt and fear in our beautiful minds.
We have to clear some space for joy, play and fun.
We have to return to trust.
To truth.
And to life and living.
These financial systems, our education,...
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