Giving Ourselves Permission To Share our Gifts (Even though We Arenโ€™t Perfect)

believing in ourselves Jul 13, 2022
One of my students spoke up in class today and expressed how the teachings have been extra good lately. She said she has been ‘extra enjoying’ the classes and the Yoga. I so appreciated the feedback because recently I have really been letting my light shine.
It is scary. I tend to hold back. To moderate how much I am going to share. I can sometimes filter what I am going to offer because I am uncertain how it will be received. The fear of what people might think gets in the way of a totally authentic transmission of what I know to be true.
Well lately, I have been called to drop these self limiting habits.I have been watching them for years. But I have been holding onto them. These habits allow me to stay in my comfort zone.
Enough of that though!
I am hearing the call to share what I know and feel. Despite not knowing perfectly how to do this, or if it will really make a difference, I just feel the call and I am not going to hold back any longer.
I think we all get this kind of guidance. These nudges that seem to come from inside; are felt inside. This impulse to speak up. Or to share our experience.
We have each been giving gifts, talents, and lessons. We all benefit when we share them.
Maybe we hold back because we have decided they are not quite good enough to share. Or maybe we think we can get better at these talents before we start to share them. Maybe we think we can make the gift more perfect, so we keep thinking about how to improve things.
And all the while time is slipping by. Years pass before our eyes. We wait. We hesitate. And our gifts remain behind a veil of self doubt and criticism. Well I am not doing that anymore. And I can already see how me sharing more of myself, me sharing with less doubt, less fear is benefiting others.
I think every time someone owns their power it feeds everyone. Every time a human has the courage to shine, it provides light for others to do the same. I am not going to be scared to be myself any longer. I am going to share what I feel and what I know to be true.
It might not be for everyone. That is alright. I am finally understanding that it is none of our business what happens after we give our gifts. That is not our concern. People can receive them or refuse them. It is no matter to us. I think we are here to live out a purpose; a calling.
We are not here to be liked by everyone. What we have to offer will not be what everyone needs. But we can be sure it will be useful for and appreciated by someone.  So thank you dear student for speaking up and reminding me it is of benefit to shine my light.
I encourage you ALL to get out of your own way. Be YOU. Share your gifts. Stop doubting yourself. Step out of your comfort zone. Live your purpose. Someone needs what you have to share.
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