As humans we naturally look for the threats around us. We still have this part of the brain that is looking for the tiger that might attack us. We are wired to search for what might harm us as a part of our survival mechanism.
However, we also have the power to train ourselves to look for the positive. If we choose to make gratitude a practice something very interesting starts to happen. We begin to see more of the good stuff. One of the coolest things about being human is we can consciously choose what to focus on. If we want, we can train our brains to see the beautiful things instead of the danger.
Don’t believe me? Give it a try. It is simple to develop a gratitude practice. There is more than one way to do this. The important thing is to make it a part of your daily routine. We know that it takes at least thirty days to form a habit.
Choose one of these ideas and practice it consistently:
Before Bed
Have a small journal by your bedside. Each night write down three things...
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