The Asanas, or postures, have become the main focus of Yoga in the modern world. However, the postures are really just a tool to help us develop awareness.
Yes, they give physical benefits but the deeper reason for practice is to grow our understanding of Who Are We and to prepare us for meditation.
How long you hold a pose depends on how long you can hold your awareness. Over time, and with practice we learn to sustain our awareness and we focus for longer periods of time. In the beginning, our focus is fleeting.
What exactly are we focusing on?
The Asanas give us an opportunity to connect to the body and breath. We use the framework of the body and the rhythm of the breath to anchor us to the present moment. As we pass our attention from the top of the head to the tips of the toes we begin to notice ourselves; our inner world.
As we observe the coming and going of breath we begin to be aware of the coming and going of thoughts and emotions and sensations. We begin to see our own...
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