This question came up during a class and I thought it was worth exploring. It is common belief here in the West that we must do cardio exercise in order to strengthen and keep the heart healthy.
I think we have all heard it is best to get our heart rate up at least a few times a week with some form of vigorous exercise. To learn more, I have been reading up on why we want to do this. What I found was very interesting.
Most of the research points to weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels as the main benefits of participating in exercise that raises your heart rate. Many articles I read also talked about the benefits of improving the immune system, mental health and regulating blood sugar.
There is no dispute: moving our bodies is good for us for more than one reason.
But through all the reading I did it seems to be basic common sense that keeps us healthy. We may be overthinking all this cardio and making health seem like something we have to train for and something...
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