Cold Water Dips ~ What's All the Rage?

health and wellness Oct 12, 2022

A little over a year ago, I started cold dips in the ocean with a dear friend once a week. It wasn’t easy for me to jump into the frigid water here in the Pacific Northwest in early spring. She was my pillar of strength and inspiration. I remember screaming and yelling the first few times I got in. But even from the first time I felt AMAZING afterwards!

It’s been a  profound process to watch myself fall in love with this practice. I can feel the benefits and want to share a bit more about it with you.

Cold water dipping is much more than a modern trend. Where I live it has become notably more common for people to be jumping in the cold ocean, rivers and lakes. We are catching on to something many cultures have known for a long time.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has long supported the practice of cold water immersion. Ancient Greeks, Hippocrates and Plato all spoke to the benefits of cold water bathing. This is not a new trend, and there is actually a lot of science to...

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