Winter solstice is a powerful time to reflect on personal growth. The days are short and we are called to go inside. It is a perfect time to recapitulate and decide what are you going to let go of and what new energy you want invite in.
Traditionally, this time of year was honoured with meaningful rituals. It was a time to acknowledge and honour both the light and dark. Even though many of us have lost connection to these cultural practices, it is simple to create some rituals of our own.
One sweet exercise to do at this time of year is sit down and write out on a piece of paper all the things you want to let go of. Habits, grudges, limiting beliefs, relationships, patterns. Let yourself get honest about what is serving you and what isn't. One question to ask yourself is: 'What purpose does holding on to the old stuff serve?'
Light a fire and have a simple ceremony where you burn this piece of paper signifying a conscious letting go of all that is no longer serving you. Take a...
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