Do This One Thing Before you Set Your Next Goal in Motion

conscious living Dec 20, 2022

We are just about at the end of another year. Over the years I have got better at closing circles. Today, I want to share with you some tips for tying up loose ends. It is a powerful practice to complete projects. We increase our will power, or staying power, by meeting our goals.

Procrastination seems to be something we all struggle with. Everyone I know, including myself, puts things off. We are awesome at making  excuses why we can't do the thing we need to do. We spend more time and energy avoiding what we need to do, than the time it would take to do the thing!

Most of our goals require simple, consistent daily action. Often the thing we need to do takes fifteen minutes a day. Maybe up to an hour. But we spend weeks, months, years, sometimes decades putting it off.

In these last few days of the year, I invite you to sit down with a pen and paper and sketch out which circles in your life need closing. Which projects have you left open? What goals need tending to? Make a...

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