For some, the Christmas season brings joy and happiness. For others it can bring stress, pressure and even sadness. Some people love the holiday season, and others dread it.
Wherever you land on the spectrum of loving or hating this time of year, here are some suggestions to stay more mindful and balanced as we enter the holiday season.
1- Learn to say no.
Don’t feel obligated to attend every gathering. Pick and choose what you agree to attend. It is not your responsibility to be present to every dinner or concert. You are allowed to decline an invitation. This does not equate to being rude. It means you are capable of recognizing when your plate is too full and smart enough to not add on more.
2- Let go of expectations.
Sometimes this time of year brings with it ideas of cheer and magic, but oftentimes what we experience is sadness or frustration. If we can allow things to unfold instead of creating ideas around what it has to be we can save ourselves a lot of disappointment. We can stay open to what comes. Trust in what each day will bring. Accept that from moment to moment life is happening and it is not up to us to make it happen the way we expect. We do not have control over the way things unfold. Realizing we can’t make it happen the way we want eliminates a lot of stress and frustration.
3- Take time for you!
Even though we may feel pulled to go out shopping, or attend the Christmas party, it is essential that we tuck away some time for US! It does not have to be a full day or even a full afternoon. Even just committing to 15-20 minutes of quiet time on your Yoga mat, or a short walk in the woods, or a cuddle on the sofa with a book or a short nap can be enough to refuel. The stimulation from always being around people wears on our nervous system. Schedule in down time; quiet time; alone time. Don’t wait til you already feel overwhelmed. Make it a daily practice.
4- Do some Yoga or breath awareness practice.
Giving ourselves time on the mat, or in our sitting practice creates a chance to let go of stress or tension. Mindful movement helps us to free up stuck energy. Breath awareness allows us to see where we are holding and creates opportunity to let go. Again, we don’t need to carve out even a full hour each day. Just 15-20 minutes is enough to re-calibrate and move stuck energy.
5- Know what nourishes you and choose those things often!
Part of the key here is knowing what lifts you up. Becoming aware of the activities and people that fill our buckets is critical. Make a list of all the things that fill you up. Choose from that list often. During the holidays we may be required to do some things we don’t love, but make sure you are doing the things you do love!
6- Eat a balanced diet.
It is so easy to eat too much in general during this season of celebration. And it is common to eat way too much sugar. And drink too much alcohol. Perhaps we concede to eating some treats and having some beverages, but the more you can do this in moderation the better you will feel. Sugar and alcohol are hard for our body to process. Overindulging leads to highs and lows. Recognize the patterns and work towards limiting these kinds of treats. You don’t need to avoid them entirely, but definitely consider limiting them. The more healthy food you get in your body, the better you will feel.
7- Create daily rituals that bring you back to your centre.
I like waking up early before the rest of my family so that I can do my mindfulness practices when it is quiet and calm. I also have a practice of journal writing that helps me to flush out the mess in my mind. Each day I get out for a walk, and spend time in nature. Consistent, daily action is key. Find out what brings you back to your centre and do these things daily. Make time for them. Then you can really enjoy whatever else the day brings. (Or at least feel good enough to move through it!)
I wish you all a happy holiday season. If you know this is a tough time of year for you, be sure to reach out to a friend or loved one. Take good care of yourself and know that the start of a New Year is on the way.
I hope these tips will help you to stay more balanced over the Christmas season. If you need more support or structure, try my 30-Day Build a Yoga Practice from Home online course. It provides simple steps to grow your own mindfulness practice.
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