Every time I let myself dream...
Every time I give myself permission to feel the call...
Every time I follow my heart...
Every time I get clear about what I have to offer...
Magic happens.
I believe we all come here with a mission. We are each given gifts and talents. Over our lifetime it is easy to let doubts creep in. It is easy to become complacent.
There are so many pressures from society to conform; to behave. We are expected to act a certain way. We learn very quickly some ideas are accepted, others are rejected. With age we understand more and more about the status quo and life is easier if we comply.
Over my lifetime I have had these waves of courage. I made a decision to go to India to follow my heart and learn about Yoga and meditation. I took a chance and moved to Mexico to be with the love of my life. On a whim, I dove into teaching Yoga online.
None of these things came easy. It would have been more comfortable to follow the script and play along with what was expected of me. I had a degree and it might have been smart to get a job, work towards a pension and financial security.
But I felt a calling. Now after several decades of listening to that call, I can see the power in listening to that gut impulse.
It is easy to get scared. There are risks. Magic is unpredictable. We face the unknown. We are asked to trust.
Let me tell you, from my experience, it always works out!!!
Every time I have followed my heart some thing beautiful happens.
About a month ago, I got whiff of these protests on Vancouver Island around the Ferry Creek watershed. Something inside me was calling me to go see it with my own eyes. A friend and I took a day away from our families to go and visit the area.
I was blown away! I spend a LOT of time in nature, but this ancient, intact forest was something I had never seen before. It wasn't just BIG trees. It was the water, the wildlife, the air!
It became so obvious, so quickly, this was an area worth protecting. I wanted to bow to all the forest defenders who had given up months of their lives to stand up for this grove. And I wanted to do something to help.
I didn't know how I could be of service. I knew I couldn't leave my family and stay at the camps. But I let myself feel the call. I started talking about my experience. I wrote in my journal. I penned these words "I would love to facilitate getting people together from different perspectives to discuss the way forward".
Out of setting that intention, people started showing up. I ended up recording a Podcast with someone who had worked in industry. Then one of the protestors. Yesterday, I had the chance to interview an Elder from the Pacheedadt First Nation.
We all have a valuable perspective to share. The more we share from our hearts, the more we use our voices, the more we see the power we have inside.
We are not helpless. We are not victims. We don't have to watch from the sidelines.
I love this quote from Marianne Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
If you want to hear these conversations I have been having about these Ancient Forests and the importance of protecting them, check out the last few episodes of my Podcast - THE FIRST STEP.
Together we can create change.
I urge you, when you feel the call from your heart, follow it.
Write it down.
Manifest your dreams! You are worthy.
You are powerful.
What intention are you setting out there in the world?
50% Complete
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