We all crave comfortable. But sometimes being comfortable is what is holding us back from growth. It is important to challenge ourselves. If we want to experience expansion in life, it is necessary to take some risks.
On my latest adventure, I travelled to this quaint, little village in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The situation asked me to be open to new experiences. I was staying in a new place. I had to figure out how to get to the beach from a clifftop accommodation, as well as figure out the best way to get to town and the neighboring villages.
The first day, I decided I wanted to check out the beach. This meant a long stretch of stairs and then a dirt path surrounded by jungle on either side. My mind raced with thoughts of scorpions and other creatures I could hear moving around the jungle floor. It was a long way from anyone and I wondered also if there was a risk of being attacked by a stranger. But I made my way down anyways, on alert.
I noticed all kinds of fears arising. However, the more I traversed this path the more familiar it became and over time, I realized the biggest threat were the mosquitos.
Later on that first day, I needed to get to town for some basic supplies for my meals. I decided to head out on foot along the highway. The first time it felt intense. There was very little shoulder and cars would wiz by around the curves. I had to listen carefully for the approaching vehicles and jump to the side. It was so hot on the black pavement I thought I might melt. I passed by driveways and big, intimidating, unleashed dogs would come towards me.
But the more I walked this path to and from town, the more I felt relaxed doing it. I even started to see the beauty around me. The parrots in the trees. The beautiful flowers. The sounds of the insects buzzing in the jungle. The beautiful blue sky above me. I settled into appreciating the warmth on my skin. I even started to appreciate the way I had to stay present to listen for the approaching vehicles. I began to appreciate the way I had to walk mindfully.
One day I even saw a huge boa constrictor in the middle of the highway. At first it took me aback, but I had plenty of time to pause and consider what I should do. It was clear he was not going to chase me. So I just watched him taking the sun until he slithered off to the side of the road and into the dense vegetation, disappearing to his home. It was beautiful.
The first days walking these new paths had me a bit on edge. But the more I walked them the more beauty I saw. It didn’t take long to realize how our minds play tricks on us. Exaggerating the threats and nudging us to stay inside our comfort zone.
I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone. I had incredible new and beautiful experiences because I was brave enough to face my own fears.
I met amazing people. I saw incredible beauty in nature. I had new experiences that challenged my old way of thinking, and I grew.
We like to stay with the familiar because it is easier, but it can also cause us to stagnate. We get bored. We become dull. If we are always playing it safe we never get a chance to see anything anew. It is easy to let fear hold us back.
I realized that when the fear arises inside me, this connection to my body and my breath helps me. It allows me to observe the reactions inside myself instead of being overwhelmed by them. I can witness what is happening and move past the fear. Paying attention to my breath keeps me anchored in the moment and gives me the gift to stay with what is happening long enough to move through it instead of reacting to it immediately and shutting down.
If you want to harness the power of body and breath awareness and learn to face your own fears and anxiety, you could benefit from developing a Yoga practice.
It takes time to build this connection to body and breath, but once you have it, it will allow you to face life head on. You will no longer have to run from what scares you.
You will grow this inner courage to face your fears and experience life in a more rich and full way.
What is it that your heart is calling you to do that is just slightly out of your comfort zone?
Make it a practice to face your fears.
Need help? Reach out! I have many online teachings that can help anyone who is interested in living the life of their dreams.
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