Our focus this week in our classes and practice was to notice 'self talk' and how to give ourselves credit. Could we focus on appreciating ourselves purposefully?
The last few weeks we have been diving into the distinction between listening to thoughts, or listening to body, or listening to breath; or even just silent witnessing.
Taking it all in without naming or conceptualizing.
If you pay attention, you can see it is easy to notice when we make a mistake or mess up. If you forget something you feel frustrated. You reproach yourself when you lose your cool and talk harshly to a loved one. You feel regret at choosing the junk food, or making excuses why you couldn’t get outside for a walk. It comes naturally to criticize ourselves.
But how many times a day do we acknowledge when we are doing well and say: You’re awesome!
We don’t!
So my challenge to my community this week was:
Can you catch the moments you are doing something amazing and pause and say ‘atta’ girl.
Or way to go! Good job.
Try it.
I have been experimenting with it this week after listening to an inspiring podcast by Trish Blackwell.
I have been noticing even in mundane moments in the day there are many opportunities to celebrate what I am doing well.
I didn’t react when my sixteen year old daughter was being sassy. I drank some water to keep myself hydrated. I sent that email off that could have easily lingered in drafts. I resisted the urge to bury my feelings and allowed myself to be with what is.
It is really different to try and catch the moments of growth, ease, balance and appreciate them. We usually sail right through them. Maybe some joy is experienced in these moments when we are shining, but I don't think we fully appreciate our wins.
This week, I want you to pause in those moments.
Make a practice of celebrating yourself. Make it a habit.
How many times a day can you say: Atta girl! Or Right on!
I know you are doing great things. You aren’t perfect, but you are doing a LOT of things right. Building your confidence is a huge key in overcoming self doubt.
You are powerful. You are capable. You can write your own story.
Self talk is usually unconscious. The brain is nattering on at us all the time. Once we start to pay attention we become more conscious of these patterns and thoughts. With a Yoga practice, you have the chance to witness all of this.
We come to our mats and give ourselves time to pay attention. It is powerful. Once you can be with your thoughts, be conscious of breath - being here now, you get a chance to choose what is your next thought.
This is re-writing the script.
Join me in my community. Or join one of my programs.
Book a call to chat with me about a next step.
Or listen to my Podcast - The First Step
Or check out this video how we can apply this on the Yoga mat.
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