A group of us are moving through the book The Artist’s Way. This week Julia Cameron introduced the idea of recognizing and acknowledging our BLURTS and then using affirmations as an antidote.
What are blurts?
They are things we say to ourselves that cause us to contract, hesitate and quit. They are statements of self doubt and criticism. They are all the things we say to ourselves that stop us from pursuing our dreams.
Do we all have blurts going on inside our heads?
Yes, I think so.
One of the gifts Julia Cameron gives us in this book is the task of writing morning pages. This is a process of writing three pages of stream of consciousness. This means we let ourselves pour out onto the page EXACTLY what we are thinking. No stopping. No filter. No editing. If we do this honestly, what we notice is all the cruel things we say to ourselves.
It can be kind of rough to realize how mean we are to ourselves. It can feel like a shock to the system to see the ways we talk to ourselves. It becomes obvious the way we sabotage our own opportunities. It becomes clear how we get in our own way.
She doesn’t just point out this part of the process, she also gives us the remedy: affirmations.
What are affirmations?
They are simple, clear statements written in present tense that affirm a positive belief.
For example: If we catch ourselves saying something like, “I do not have enough creative talent to make anything of value, so what is the point of writing?!”, then we can turn it around and re-write that statement.
“Whether or not anyone else appreciates my writing, it feels good to allow myself to write.”
“My writing may not touch millions, but even if one person is positively affected it will be worth putting it out there.”
“My writing is powerful and valuable.”
“Even though I am working through some self doubt, I won’t let that stop me from pursuing my dreams of writing.”
There are many ways to re-write our limiting beliefs. I love playing with words to massage them into statements that are more positive; more life promoting.
One problem I see people run into when working with affirmations is they feel like the new statement is a complete lie. It can feel ridiculous to say to ourselves the opposite of what we are really feeling.
I advise you to play with the words. Let it be gradual. Find a statement that feels a bit true. Then keep stretching it. Massage it. Re-write it again. Play with the words until you can find a statement that rings a little true. Then repeat it until it feels like it is a part of your new thought repertoire.
This process isn’t an immediate game changer. It is a process. It takes time. Commitment.
The key is to start to notice our thoughts. Admit the terrible things we say to ourselves. Pick one of the common themes that keep coming up. The thought that often gets in the way.
And then work with it. Play around with those words. Make it yummier. More true. More sweet. Then repeat it. You will catch yourself thinking the blurt again and again. Again and again repeat your new found statement.
Counter the blurt with an affirmation. In time, you will see your thoughts will shift from I cannot, to I can. It takes practice. Writing it down helps. Hanging your new statement in a place you will see it helps. Repeat it often until it becomes an authentic thought.
It will. Trust me! I have used this technique myself. I will give you one last example.
I used to say to myself ALL the time: "I suck at finishing things". I had many variations of that blurt. "I can’t finish anything I start". "I hate finishing projects". "It is impossible for me to carry through with anything until the end". "My brain is incapable of staying with something long enough to complete a project."
Eventually, I realized these thoughts were not serving me. So I started working with other ways of talking to myself around completing things. It started with blatant lies.
“I am good at finishing things.”
“It is easy for me to complete tasks”
“I like finishing things as much as I like starting things.”
All these first attempts sounded like straight up lies. I would even laugh out loud when I said them to myself. I just kept trying. And with time, I found myself saying more true things like:
“I am finding it easier to stay with projects.”
“I realize finishing things brings satisfaction.”
“Although this is a new found skill, I am enjoying completing things.”
“I am amazing to realize I am capable of completing a task.”
It has been about a year since I started working with this blurt and I can tell you now I no longer feel it is true that I am not good at finishing things. I AM!
I love to complete tasks, and closing circles is one of my new favourite things to do.
I encourage you to acknowledge your blurts and work with affirmations. If you get stuck or need help, reach out! I love helping people smash their limiting beliefs.
You can even book a free 30 minute call with me to work through some of your own limiting beliefs. It is my passion and calling in this life to help people find their full potential and live their best life.
We are powerful and capable of living out our dreams!
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