I Don’t Wash my Hair ~ And You Don’t Have to Either

natural health May 23, 2023

It intrigues me how we are caught in this beauty trap. It’s mind blowing how much money women spend on beauty products. We could be spending our money, time and energy in more meaningful and uplifting ways. Plus the ideals we are chasing are utterly unattainable.

We are conditioned to believe beauty looks a certain way. Like a magazine cover. Or a runway model. These images of women have us believing we are supposed to look super skinny around the waist, curvy at the top and bottom, have long legs and flawless skin. The standard is impossible to meet.

I am not judging you if you want to pursue beauty, but rather I am asking you to reflect on the image of beauty we are being sold.

There is no one version of a woman. We are all a unique expression of divine creation.

We fall in love with people not because of their outer beauty or the size of their waist, or the shape of their nose. We fall in love with something much deeper than the surface; the physical.

We waste so much time doubting our own beauty. We are bombarded with media that makes us feel imperfect. We give away our power to an industry that has profits in mind. They don’t care about us.

The messages we are fed are not true. We do NOT need these products. And many of them are harmful to our health. Most of these beauty products are poison.

I am here to challenge you to consider: Do you really need them?

Recently, I have started cold dipping. I have noticed my hair feels and looks amazing. I no longer need to wash it. Or very rarely do I need to wash it. And this discovery is like so many I have made in pursuing whole health and wellness.

Before I found Yoga and alternate healthcare practices I had trouble with my health. Nothing major, but signals of imbalance that likely would have become more chronic and acute later in life had I not addressed the root cause early.

On my healing journey I learned I could have a relationship with my body. I listened. I learned what it needed and wanted and then responded lovingly and generously. All of my health problems improved. My skin became clear, my cycles became regular and I felt amazing.

I still feel amazing! And each year as I learn more about how to take care of myself naturally, the more I let go of the poison they feed us, the less I pour their products onto my skin and hair, the more I connect to Nature, the better I feel.

We actually don’t need what they are selling us. Not only would we save money, but we would stop exposing ourselves to harmful chemicals. We can pull ourselves out of this trap. We can remember we are inherently beautiful.

These beauty standards touted by the media and the big companies that make and sell these products are not really benefiting us. They are making a few select people rich and leaving us feeling not enough; never enough.

And the more we age, the more impossible it is to reach the standard. So let’s break free. Start pursuing other ideals. Care less about these images we are sold. Focus more on meaningful relationships. Get out in nature. Eat healthy. Hydrate.

Watch your skin begin to glow naturally. Watch your hair get stronger. Celebrate your digestion improving as you let go of stress. Learn to nourish yourself with real food and watch the way your body gets lighter. (I am not talking about pounds.)

Looking and feeling great is more about living right than buying the right products. It us up to us to free ourselves from this culture.

I have been doing this slowly and I can tell you it is liberating plus I look and feel great!

If you are looking for ways to make friends with your body, join me for practice. I have many online resources that can help you fall in love with who you are right now!

[email protected]

Reach out! I love walking alongside people on their health and healing journey.


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