It seems to be an epidemic. So many people are struggling with their health, both physically and mentally.
Perhaps because I work in the health industry I get a magnified view of what is going on, but I think everyone can see it.
Who doesn’t know someone who is facing major health challenges?
Do you ever wonder why are we so sick?
Is this our nature to always be battling disease?
I have not had to see a doctor since I birthed my daughter almost 16 years ago (well, except for a dog bite and a pap smear to keep my name on my doctor’s roster).
It may be that I have good genes and that I am ‘just lucky’. Those two factors probably have something to do with my good health.
However, I also take daily actions to keep myself well. The simple things that I do every day definitely contribute to my well-being. These daily actions are easy and anyone can do them.
I believe our natural state is health. We are designed so all the systems of our body work together and function in harmony.
So what is disrupting this balance?
In large part the answer is stress, but also chemicals, processed foods and environmental factors can interfere with our health and wellness.
We often turn to doctors when something goes wrong with our health. We want diagnostic tests. We want a prescription. A name for our disorder or syndrome. And we hope that by knowing what is wrong and medicating ourselves to alleviate the symptoms that somehow we have solved the problem.
Many people are learning that a doctor can provide some insight and temporary relief, but that health is something that we have to take care of ourselves.
The good news is health is simple. It requires us to eat the right food, hydrate, move our bodies, get enough rest, connect with others, spend time outdoors and provide ourselves enough mental stimulation.
Although the keys to health are basic common sense, it is amazing that our culture and society is built around everything that wears us down: fast food, overworking, being locked in an office sitting for eight hours a day and binging on TV and eating more junk. Oh, and then there is medicating with alcohol or other drugs.
No wonder we aren’t feeling so hot!
I have compassion for people who are suffering with their health. I see and feel their pain. I understand it is easy to get off track. Our way of life here in the West has become ridden with bad habits. It has become normal to neglect our mind, body and soul. We are conditioned to seek wealth and status and the things that really matter have been forgotten.
I will say it again - health is simple. Maybe not easy, but simple.
It requires taking responsibility. It requires daily commitment. It requires stepping away from what everyone else is doing. It asks us to face ourselves and what is going on in our day to day lives and to get real and honest.
You can re-discover health and wellness. I watch my clients do this all the time. They come to me with pain and after several months of practice they are free of it. They take themselves on a journey from feeling bad to feeling great.
And not only do they feel better in their minds and bodies, they feel empowered and in charge of their own wellness. I don’t think there can be any greater gift we could give ourselves.
In my Yoga training, one of the mottos we kept hearing is ‘health is wealth’. We are all starting to realize that money is not the greatest measure of happiness after all. Health is the key to a happy life.
We can break free form these patterns and habits that are wearing us down. It takes commitment and consistency, but what is required is actually quite simple.
Want guidance and support while you get back on track?
I am running a 12 week program in the fall (2023).
Join me! I will only be taking 20 people into the program so apply today!
Book a FREE call to discuss where you are at and if we would be a good fit.
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