Tips for Better Digestion in Winter Months

eating for health Nov 25, 2024

It is normal for digestion to slow down in the colder months. We tend to reach for less water and eat less roughage. Plus our body is conserving energy to stay warm.

Here are a few tips to get things moving again!

1- Lentil Soup

Start with a base of onion, garlic and ginger sauteed in oil or butter. Add spices such as cumin, tumeric and coriander until fragrant. Add tomato sauce, beef broth, lentils, carrots and potatoes. Simple, nourishing and GREAT for digestion. You can use a combination of different lentils for a fun consistency.

2- Add Ginger

Ginger is amazing for digestion. I add it to my fruit salads and oats and everything I cook in the winter. Not only is it good for digestion it also boosts the immune system.

3- More Tea!

If you aren't thirsty for water, keep the kettle going for tea. Staying hydrated in the winter can be harder but making a habit of warm beverages can help you keep up your liquid intake.

4- Salads are less appealing when it's cold outside, but it is still important to get your greens. Try adding arugula to your breakfast bowl or more hearty greens to your stir fry. Broccoli, brussel sprouts and root veggies can be added to dragon bowls to keep your fiber intake up,

5- Move your body! Even though it can be grey and rainy around these parts during winter it is important to get fresh air and continue your daily walks. Get up, get your waterproof boots on and get out there.

6- Pawanmuktasana - a series of postures can help alleviate bloating and constipation. Translated from Sanskrit the word means gas releasing pose. From a reclining position hug each knee alternately (starting with the right) and then both to help get the bowels working.

Yogic teachings give us many tools to maintain balance through all season of the year.

Want to dive deeper into these practices?

Book a call with me and I would be happy to tell you more about the different programs I offer to help you on your health and wellness journey.

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